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In Review

Jiunn-Kai (Bruce) Huang, Chenxi Feng, Madhav Achar, Maani Ghaffari, and Jessy W. Grizzle 

Jiunn-Kai (Bruce) Huang, Maani Ghaffari, Ross Hartley, Lu Gan, Ryan M. Eustice, and Jessy W. Grizzle  

Tzu-Yuan (Justin) Lin, William Clark, Ryan M. Eustice, Jessy W. Grizzle, Anthony Bloch, Maani Ghaffari


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More Recent Published Papers

IEEE Access ( Volume: 8 , July 2020)

Jiunn-Kai (Bruce) Huang and Jessy W. Grizzle

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters ( Volume: 5 , Issue: 2 , April 2020 )

Lu Gan, Ray Zhang,Jessy W. Grizzle, Ryan M. Eustice, and Maani Ghaffari

International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), Oct. 2019.

R Hartley, M Ghaffari, RM Eustice, JW Grizzle

Rapid Trajectory Optimization Using C-FROST with Illustration on a Cassie-Series Dynamic Walking Biped

2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019).

Ayonga Hereid*, Omar Harib*, Ross Hartley, Yukai Gong, and Jessy W Grizzle (* Equal contributors)

Robotics: Science and Systems 2019

Maani Ghaffari, William Clark, Anthony Bloch, Ryan M. Eustice, Jessy W. Grizzle

Yukai Gong, Ross Hartley, Xingye Da, Ayonga Hereid, Omar Harib, Jiunn-Kai Huang, and Jessy Grizzle


Guillermo A. Castillo, Bowen Weng, Ayonga Hereid, Wei Zhang


Omar Harib, Ayonga Hereid, Ayush Agrawal, Thomas Gurriet, Sylvain Finet, Guilhem Boeris, Alexis Duburcq, M Eva Mungai, Matthieu Masselin, Aaron D Ames, Koushil Sreenath, and Jessy Grizzle

Ross Hartley, Maani Ghaffari Jadidi, Lu Gan, Jiunn-Kai Huang, Jessy W Grizzle, and Ryan M Eustice


Ross Hartley, Maani Ghaffari Jadidi, Jessy W. Grizzle, and Ryan M. Eustice


Ross Hartley, Josh Mangelson, Lu Gan, Maani Ghaffari Jadidi, Jeffrey M. Walls, Ryan M. Eustice, and Jessy W. Grizzle

Thomas Gurriet, Sylvain Finet, Guilhem Boeris, Alexis Duburcq, Ayonga Hereid, Omar Harib, Matthieu Masselin, Jessy Grizzle and Aaron D. Ames


Christine Chevallereau, Hamed Razavi, Damien Six, Yannick Aoustin, Jessy Grizzle

Sumitted Jan 26, 2017; uploaded to the arXiv on 23 Feburary 2017, revised June 12, 2017.

J. W. Grizzle, Christine Chevallereau

Proposed Chapter for Springer Handbook of Humanoid Robotics, Submitted April 2015. Final version on the arXiv. Link to the published book chapter.

Quan Nguyen, Xingye Da, William Martin, Hartmut Geyer, Jessy W. Grizzle, and Koushil Sreenath


J. W. Grizzle, Christine Chevallereau

Proposed Chapter for Springer Handbook of Humanoid Robotics, Submitted April 2015

Ayush Agrawal*, Omar Harib*, Ayonga Hereid, Sylvain Finet, Matthieu Masselin, Laurent Praly, Aaron D. Ames, Koushil Sreenath, and J. W. Grizzle

Video and Posting on IEEEXplore (Open Access) *co-first authors. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2690407.

Nonholonomic Virtual Constraints and Gait Optimization for Robust Walking Control, IJRR, Submitted 28 June 2016, Accepted April 7, 2017.

Brent Griffin and Jessy Grizzle


Aaron D. Ames, Paulo Tabuada, Austin Jones, Wen-Loong Ma, Matthias Rungger, Bastian Schurmann, Shishir Kolathaya, Jessy W. Grizzlee info about this item...

Online publication complete: 14-FEB-2017 Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, DOI information: 10.1016/j.nahs.2017.01.002

Quan Nguyen,Ayonga Hereid, Aaron Ames, J. W. Grizzle, Koushil Sreenath


Xingye Da, Omar Harib, Ross Hartley, Brent A. Griffin, and Jessy W. Grizzle


Kevin Galloway, Koushil Sreenath, Aaron D. Ames, and J. W. Grizzle

While the result is illustrated here for a 2D robot, it applies to 3D compliant robots as well. Only depends on HZD. [Supplemental Material]Video on YouTube Other robotics video are here: Dynamic Leg Locomotion.


A. D. Ames, P. Tabuada, B. Schuermann, W. Ma, S. Kolathaya, M. Rungger and J. W. Grizzle


Brian G. Buss, Alireza Ramezani, Kaveh Akbari Hamed, Brent A. Griffin, Kevin S. Galloway, Jessy W. Grizzle


Aaron D. Ames, Kevin Galloway, and J.W. Grizzle

Reprint 2012-CDC, Hawaii, USA, December, 2012.

[Supplemental Material] The proofs could not be included in the final 6 page submission, so they are given here: Proofs for CLF and HZD 

[Remark] While the result is illustrated here for a 2D rigid robot, it applies to 3D compliant robots as well. Only depends on HZD.

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Legged Robots with Compliance

  1. Hae-Won Park, Alireza Ramezani, and Jessy W. Grizzle, A Finite-state Machine for Accommodating Unexpected Large Ground Height Variations in Bipedal Robot Walking, Reprint IEEE Trans. on Robotics, Vol. 29, Issue 2, April 2013, pp. 331 - 345. [YouTube video]

  2. Koushil Sreenath, Hae-Won Park, Ioannis Poulakakis, and Jessy W. Grizzle, Embedding Active Force Control within the Compliant Hybrid Zero Dynamics to Achieve Stable, Fast Running on MABEL, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 33, June 2014, pp. 988-1005. [Supplemental Material]

  3. Hae-Won Park, Koushil Sreenath, Alireza Ramezani, and J. W. Grizzle, Switching Control Design for Accommodating Large Step-down Disturbances in Bipedal Robot Walking, Published Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012. [Video]

  4. Koushil Sreenath, Hae-Won Park, and Jessy W. Grizzle, Design and Experimental Implementation of a Compliant Hybrid Zero Dynamics Controller with Active Force Control for Running on MABEL, Published Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2012. [Video]

  5. Koushil Sreenath, Hae-Won Park, Ioannis Poulakakis, and Jessy W. Grizzle, A Compliant Hybrid Zero Dynamics Controller for Stable, Efficient and Fast Bipedal Walking on MABEL, Published Int. J. Robotics Research (IJRR), 30(9):1170�1193, August 2011. (on-line version published 17 Sept 2010) [Supplemental Material] (such as videos).

  6. Koushil Sreenath, Hae-Won Park, Ioannis Poulakakis, and Jessy W. Grizzle, "Design and experimental implementation of a compliant hybrid zero dynamics controller for walking on MABEL, Published IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 280�287, Atlanta, GA, USA, December 2010

  7. Hae Won Park, Koushil Sreenath, Jonathan W. Hurst and J.W. Grizzle, Identification of a Bipedal Robot With a Compliant Drivetrain: Parameter Estimation for Control Design, Control Systems Magazine, Vol 31, No. 2, April, 2011 . [Supplemental Material] The full article is available on IEEE-Xplore. Here is the first page, MABEL was on the cover here.

  8. Hae Won Park, Koushil Sreenath, Jonathan W. Hurst and J.W. Grizzle, Identification and Dynamic Model of a Bipedal Robot With a Cable-Differential-Based Compliant Drivetrain, Control Group Report, No. CGR 10-06 ; 16 March 2010 . [Supplemental Material]. A longer version of the report is available here.

  9. Ioannis Poulakakis and J. W. Grizzle, The Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum as the Hybrid Zero Dynamics of an Asymmetric Hopper, Published IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, Volume 54, Issue 8, Aug. 2009 Page(s):1779 - 1793.

  10. B. Morris and J.W. Grizzle, Hybrid Invariant Manifolds in Systems with Impulse Effects with Application to Periodic Locomotion in Bipedal Robots, Published IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, Volume 54, Issue 8, Aug. 2009 Page(s):1751 - 1764

  11. J.W. Grizzle Jonathan Hurst, Benjamin Morris, Hae-Won Park, and Koushil Sreenath, MABEL, A New Robotic Bipedal Walker and Runner, Published, American Control Conference'', St. Louis, MO, June 2009. A ZIP file detailing the powertrain model of the robot is available here. [Right Click and Save]

  12. Ioannis Poulakakis and J. W. Grizzle, Modeling and Control of the Monopedal Robot Thumper, Published, ICRA, Kobe, Japan, May 12-17, 2009; submitted Sept. 2008.

  13. Ioannis Poulakakis and J. W. Grizzle, Monopedal Running Control: SLIP Embedding and Virtual Constraint Controllers, Published2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, October 29--Nov. 2 2007; [Supplemental Material].

  14. Ioannis Poulakakis and J. W. Grizzle, Formal Embedding of the Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum in an Asymmetric Hopper,Published European Control Conference (2007-ECC), Kos, Greece, July 2007.

  15. B. Morris and J.W. Grizzle, Hybrid Invariance in Bipedal Robots with Series Compliant Actuators , Published 2006-CDC, San Diego, California, December, 2006.

Observers and Event-Based Stabilization for Systems with Impulse Effects (i.e., Hybrid)


  1. .W. Grizzle, Jun-Ho Choi, Hassan Hammouri and B. Morris, On Observer-Based Feedback Stabilization of Periodic Orbits in Bipedal Locomotion, Published, Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR 2007), 27 - 30 August 2007, Szczecin, Poland. Plenary Talk

  2. J.W. Grizzle, ``Remarks on Event-Based Stabilization of Periodic Orbits in Systems with Impulse Effects," Published, Second International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, March 2006, Marrakech, Morocco.

  3. J.W. Grizzle, E.R. Westervelt, and C. Canudas-de-Wit Event-based PI Control of an Underactuated Biped Walker, Published, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2003. [Supplemental Material].

  4. E.R. Westervelt, J.W. Grizzle, and C. Canudas de Wit Switching and PI Control for Planar Biped Walkers, Published, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control;Vol. 48, N0. 2, February 2003, pp. 308-312. [Supplemental Material].




Rehabilitation Robotics


  1. .W. Grizzle, Jun-Ho Choi, Hassan Hammouri and B. Morris, On Observer-Based Feedback Stabilization of Periodic Orbits in Bipedal Locomotion, Published, Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR 2007), 27 - 30 August 2007, Szczecin, Poland. Plenary Talk

  2. J.W. Grizzle, ``Remarks on Event-Based Stabilization of Periodic Orbits in Systems with Impulse Effects," Published, Second International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, March 2006, Marrakech, Morocco.

  3. J.W. Grizzle, E.R. Westervelt, and C. Canudas-de-Wit Event-based PI Control of an Underactuated Biped Walker, Published, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2003. [Supplemental Material].

  4. E.R. Westervelt, J.W. Grizzle, and C. Canudas de Wit Switching and PI Control for Planar Biped Walkers, Published, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control;Vol. 48, N0. 2, February 2003, pp. 308-312. [Supplemental Material].




Planar Rigid Robots, RABBIT, and Hybrid Zero Dynamics (HZD)

  1. C. Chevallereau, D. Djoudi, and J.W. Grizzle, Stable Bipedal Walking with Foot Rotation Through Direct Regulation of the Zero Moment Point, Published IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 25, No. 2, April 2008, pp.~390-401.

  2. J.W. Grizzle and E.R. Westervelt, ``Hybrid Zero Dynamics of Planar Bipedal Walking,'' Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems, Springer, Ed., A. Astolfi and L Marconi, pp. 223-237, 2008.

  3. D. Djoudi, C. Chevallereau, and J.W. Grizzle, A Path-Following Approach to Stable Bipedal Walking and Zero Moment Point Regulation, Published ICRA-07, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, April 2007, Roma, Italy.

  4. B. Morris and J.W. Grizzle, A Restricted Poincare Map for Determining Exponentially Stable Periodic Orbits in Systems with Impulse Effects: Application to Bipedal Robots, Published 2005-CDC, Seville, Spain, December, 2005.

  5. Junho Choi and J.W. Grizzle, Planar Bipedal Walking with Anthropomorphic Foot Action, Internal Report , November 2005.

  6. Junho Choi and J.W. Grizzle, Feedback Control of an Underactuated Planar Bipedal Robot with Impulsive Foot Action, Published,Robotica, Volume 23, Issue 05, September 2005, pp 567-580.. [Supplemental Material].

  7. B. Morris, E.R. Westervelt, C. Chevallereau, G. Buche, and J.W. Grizzle, Achieving Bipedal Running with RABBIT: Six Steps toward Infinity, Published Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics Symposium, Heidelberg, September 7 - 9, 2005. Republished as a book chapter in: Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics: Optimization and Feedback Control (Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences), pp. 277-297, November 13, 2006. [Supplemental Material].

  8. Junho Choi and J.W. Grizzle, Planar Bipedal Walking with Foot Rotation, Published, American Control Conference'', Portland, OR, June 2005.

  9. C. Chevallereau, E.R. Westervelt, and J.W. Grizzle, Asymptotically Stable Running for a Five-Link, Four-Actuator, Planar Bipedal Robot, Published, International Journal of Robotics Research, Volume 24, Issue 6, June 2005, pp. 431 - 464. [Supplemental Material].

  10. Junho Choi and J.W. Grizzle, Planar Bipedal Walking with Foot Rotation, Published, ACC, Portland, Oregon, June 2005. JunHo won best presentation of session!

  11. J.W. Grizzle, C.H. Moog, and C. Chevallereau, Nonlinear Control of Mechanical Systems with an Unactuated Cyclic Variable.Published, IEEE-TAC, Vol. 30, No. 5, May 2005, pp. 559-576. [Supplemental Material].

  12. C. Chevallereau, E.R. Westervelt, and J.W. Grizzle, Asymptotic Stabilization of a Five-link, Four-Actuator, Planar Bipedal Runner,Published, CDC, December 2004. [Supplemental Material].

  13. Junho Choi and J.W. Grizzle, Planar Bipedal Robot with Impulsive Foot Action, Published, CDC, December 2004. [Supplemental Material].

  14. C. Chevallereau, J.W. Grizzle, and C.H. Moog, Nonlinear Control of Mechanical Systems with one Degree of Underactuation.Published, ICRA 2004, New Orleans, April 26 to May 1, 2004. [Supplemental Material].

  15. E.R. Westervelt, G. Buche, and J.W. Grizzle Experimental Validation of a Framework for the Design of Controllers that Induce Stable Walking in Planar Bipeds, Published, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 24, No. 6, June 2004, pp. 559-582.[Supplemental Material].

  16. C. Chevallereau, G. Abba, Y. Aoustin, F. Plestan, E.R. Westervelt, C. Canudas-de-Wit, and J.W. Grizzle RABBIT: A Testbed for Advanced Control Theory, Published, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Vol. 23, No. 5, October, 2003, pp. 57-79. [Supplemental Material].

  17. Franck Plestan, J.W. Grizzle, Eric Westervelt and Gabriel Abba, Stable Walking of a 7-DOF Biped Robot. Published, IEEE Trans. Robotics and Automation, Vol. 19, No. 4, August 2003, pp. 653-668. [Supplemental Material]

  18. E.R. Westervelt, J.W. Grizzle, and D.E. Koditschek, Hybrid Zero Dynamics of Planar Biped Walkers. Published, IEEE-TAC, Vol. 48, No. 1, January 2003, pp. 42-56. [Supplemental Material].

  19. E.R. Westervelt and J.W. Grizzle, Sequential Composition of Walking Motions for a 5-Link Planar Biped Walker, Published,WORKSHOP ON FUTURE DIRECTIONS IN NONLINEAR CONTROL OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS, October 2, 2002,University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL. [Supplemental Material]. The talk inlcuded results from C. Chevallereau, G. Abba, Y. Aoustin, F. Plestan, E.R. Westervelt, C. Canudas-de-Wit, and J.W. Grizzle RABBIT: A Testbed for Advanced Control Theory, Published, To appear in IEEE Control Systems Magazine; revised April, 2003; submitted September, 2002. [Supplemental Material].

  20. E.R. Westervelt and J.W. Grizzle, Design of Asymptotically Stable Walking for a 5-Link Planar Biped Walker via Optimization.Published, ICRA-2002, May 10-17, 2002, Washington, DC.

  21. E.R. Westervelt, J.W. Grizzle, and D.E. Koditschek, Zero Dynamics of Underactuated Planar Biped Walkers. Published, IFAC-2002, Barcelona, Spain, July 21-26, 2002.

  22. J.W. Grizzle, An Analytical Approach to Asymptotically Stable Walking in Planar Biped Robots. Published, Super Mechano Symposium Conference, November 19-20, 2001, Japan. Two movies are cited in the paper, here they are: Movie_1. and Movie_2..

  23. Franck Plestan, J.W. Grizzle, Eric Westervelt and Gabriel Abba, Controlled Periodic Motion in a Nonlinear System with Impulse Effects: Walking of a Biped Robot. Published, IFAC NOLCOS-2001, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July 4-6, 2001.

  24. J.W. Grizzle, Gabriel Abba and Franck Plestan, Asymptotically Stable Walking for Biped Robots: Analysis via Systems with Impulse Effects. Published, IEEE T-AC, Volume 46, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 51-64. revised version. This paper received the 2002 George S. Axelby Award for the Best Paper in the IEEE Trans. Auto. Control during the years 2000 and 2001.

  25. J.W. Grizzle, Gabriel Abba and Franck Plestan, Asymptotic Stability of a Walking Cycle for a Biped Robot with Knees and Torso.Published, NATO AVT Fall Symposium, Ankara, Turkey, October 9-13, 2000 .

  26. J.W. Grizzle, Franck Plestan and Gabriel Abba Poincaré's Method for Systems with Impulse Effects: Application to Mechanical Biped Locomotion. Published, 1999 IEEE-CDC, Phoenix, AZ.

  27. J.W. Grizzle, Gabriel Abba and Franck Plestan, Proving Asymptotic Stability of a Walking Cycle for a Five DOF Biped Robot Model.Published, CLAWAR 1999.

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